Saturday, April 14, 2012

Authenticator Question....

[:1]My wife requires our WoW account to need an authenticator code, which is sent to her phone, to be inputted with each log in. However, over the last several weeks, we didn't have to put in the code. My wife has gone out of town and has her phone with her. When I tried to log in, suddenly, we need the authenticator code again to complete the log in. What is going on with the account? Is there anyway around the whole Authenticator thing?|||They changed it a few days (?) ago - basically, if you get a random DC, you generally won't have to enter the authenticator code, as it's the same IP address etc.

Aparently, the algorithm is a bit more complex than just that, but you get the idea ...|||Basically as long as you log on from the same pc and same IP you wont be asked for the authenticator code anymore. If you log on from a different pc or your IP address changes, it'll need the code again.

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