Some of the re-worked starter zone quests are great and you can see they really thought about the quests and how the fitted within the story line, but then there are others such as one in Northrend where they simply deleted a bunch of quests and said "ok...that'll do".
Sadly for me one was one of the most enjoyable quest lines: It started in Northrend, Dragonblight with the death of Dranosh Saurfang the Younger at the hands of the Lich King �Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate� and culminated with the re-taking of Undercity ('Battle for the Undercity').
Now when the cutscene finishes Alexstrasza - Queen of the Dragons still whispers for you to talk to her but the only option she offers is to watch the cinematic again and again.
I opened an in-game sticky after trying everything to get it to work, it was only after that I googled it that I found they�d just deleted the follow up quests and a lot of free xp/gold.
So what happens to the Forsaken now after they kill everyone at the end of the battle?
It just seems unfinished to me� and I will miss (well only did it twice but�) the battle in Undercity, as it was the only time I did great DPS in any kind of raid group without dying.|||i never got the chance to do this quest before it was removed and i have to admit it doesn't make any sence to remove it you just get to a point in the story which looks like it continues but all you get is a cut scene over and over.|||Wait! Battle for Undercity is no more?|||Yep the GM confirmed that all the follow up quests have been removed, no more Battle for Undercity :(|||It's disappointing to see it gone, but I can understand why it happened. They would have needed to redo significant parts of it do deal with the fact that Org (and I assume Stormwind for the alliance) were changed significantly. I'm pretty sure the old phased versions used for the quest wouldn't have been functional with the changes made. So, if they redid it, they would either have to do some extreme phasing to make those cities look like they did in Wrath (instead of just phasing NPCs they would need to phase terrain and deal with use of flying mounts) or use the new city models, which wouldn't have made any more sense than just ending the chain early.|||Yeh it would be difficult, but even if they couldn't do that, they could have just changed the ending with a new quest or two since they took such great care with Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
You do everything the same right up to that point and then bam it stops, so what happens to the Forsaken in Undercity now?
I guess that Outland and Northrend will change at a later date...?|||outland and northrend are in the past, they are not part of the current story. nothing you do in outland or northrend matters.|||Yeah.. Battle for Undercity was removed before CATA went live.|||Quote:
outland and northrend are in the past, they are not part of the current story. nothing you do in outland or northrend matters.
That could have been a solution for leaving everything the same: when you go throught the portals you also go back in time... except the airships from Org and UC etc...would have to go too or unless they add a new cinematic.
And if that was the case they could have left a flightless version of the Battle for UC, but changed the beginning so you just meet Thrall and co outside the gates instead of having to go to Org first.|||Quote:
They would have needed to redo significant parts of it do deal with the fact that Org (and I assume Stormwind for the alliance) were changed significantly.
Actually, an alliance character doing the quest visits BOTH cities for it. First to see the king, then Jaina teleports you to Org to speak with Thrall and find out that Sylvanas was betrayed and didn't actually give the Forsaken the order to gas everyone at the gate.
I remember this because I was quite disappointed with the discovery, as it meant I wasn't going to get to kill Sylvanas as part of the quest. Did make a try for it at that last bit. Damn Jaina for interrupting.
Seriously though, I'm quite shocked that they cut that quest short, technical issues or not. Makes me feel sorry for any new players who didn't get to play it through, and at the same time it's giving me a congratulating pat on the back for not sticking around for Cata.
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