I need to set up my action bar for questing. I am currently level 65 Unholy Death Knight Worgen. What spells/abilities do you recommend me having in the action bar?|||You're level 65 and you don't know how to set your UI up??|||Quote:
You're level 65 and you don't know how to set your UI up??
-.- I know HOW to set it up, what I'm asking is which spells/abilities should I put there. I only have 5 there right now and they are all default.|||All of them.
Seriously, how do you get a level 65 DK without knowing which abilities you need on your action bar? How you you play with only 5 icons on the action bar? and how did you play with your other character without knowing the basics (given that you need to have a char of at least 55 before you can even create a DK)?|||... Did you even read up on Death Knights?
Or did you find your toons from some service?|||Quote:
All of them.
Seriously, how do you get a level 65 DK without knowing which abilities you need on your action bar? How you you play with only 5 icons on the action bar? and how did you play with your other character without knowing the basics (given that you need to have a char of at least 55 before you can even create a DK)?
I have a level 63 Night Elf Hunter with only 4 actions too...|||Quote:
... Did you even read up on Death Knights?
Or did you find your toons from some service?
Um, no I did not.|||you know you can add more action bars in your display setting right.|||You guys are being way too harsh. Leveling characters isn't that complicated, and I'm pretty sure I could do most of them with only 4 skills. You don't have to use your full arsenal of spells to kill leveling mobs.
DKs are probably one of the exceptions (although I have managed some very lazy rotations on my DKs when I don't want to think too hard) and it appears the OP has discovered this, and is thus now asking for help. Of all the characters I play, DKs seem to need the most buttons for regular mob killing.
So, to get to the original question:
•Your primary skills that you will be using at 65 are Plague Strike, Icy Touch, Festering Strike, Scourge Strike, and Death Coil.
•When you are fighting multiple mobs, you will also need Pestilence, Blood Boil, and Death and Decay.
•You should also probably have up your important utility spells like Death Grip, Rais Dead, Horn of Winter, Dark Transformation, Mind Freeze, Strangulate, and Chains of Ice on your bars. (You will probably end up using Death Grip and Dark Transformation a lot; the others you won't need as much for just killing mobs, but they are important if you PvP or do dungeons. Obviously, you'll just use Raid Dead when your pet gets killed.)
The basic idea when questing is to get your diseases up (frost strike and plague strike) and then use Scourge Strike whenever you can, and Festering Strike when you have a red and blue rune available. You will want to Death Coil when you are waiting for runes or if your runic power is maxed out. Hit Dark Transformation whenever it's available. Use Horn of Winter whenever it falls off, or if you are waiting for runes and don't have the runic power for Death Coil.
For multiple mobs, throw in a pestilence after the diseases are up. From there, instead of using Festering Strike when you have red and blue runs up, use blood boil and Icy Touch.
You will probably notice that I've listed more than 12 abilities. You can go into the interface and turn on more action bars. You can also go into your keybindins and add keys for the slots on those bars. (Don't get confused, the place to keybind the extra bars is in a different section than the place where you set up bindings for the main bar. Look for "Bottom Right Action Bar, Bottom Left Action Bar, Right Action Bar 1 and Right Action Bar 2" in the keybindings.)
The above is a pretty simplified look, but it will work just fine for questing, and get you used to working with runes and runic power.|||Quote:
You guys are being way too harsh. Leveling characters isn't that complicated, and I'm pretty sure I could do most of them with only 4 skills. You don't have to use your full arsenal of spells to kill leveling mobs.
DKs are probably one of the exceptions (although I have managed some very lazy rotations on my DKs when I don't want to think too hard) and it appears the OP has discovered this, and is thus now asking for help. Of all the characters I play, DKs seem to need the most buttons for regular mob killing.
So, to get to the original question:
•Your primary skills that you will be using at 65 are Plague Strike, Icy Touch, Festering Strike, Scourge Strike, and Death Coil.
•When you are fighting multiple mobs, you will also need Pestilence, Blood Boil, and Death and Decay.
•You should also probably have up your important utility spells like Death Grip, Rais Dead, Horn of Winter, Dark Transformation, Mind Freeze, Strangulate, and Chains of Ice on your bars. (You will probably end up using Death Grip and Dark Transformation a lot; the others you won't need as much for just killing mobs, but they are important if you PvP or do dungeons. Obviously, you'll just use Raid Dead when your pet gets killed.)
The basic idea when questing is to get your diseases up (frost strike and plague strike) and then use Scourge Strike whenever you can, and Festering Strike when you have a red and blue rune available. You will want to Death Coil when you are waiting for runes or if your runic power is maxed out. Hit Dark Transformation whenever it's available. Use Horn of Winter whenever it falls off, or if you are waiting for runes and don't have the runic power for Death Coil.
For multiple mobs, throw in a pestilence after the diseases are up. From there, instead of using Festering Strike when you have red and blue runs up, use blood boil and Icy Touch.
You will probably notice that I've listed more than 12 abilities. You can go into the interface and turn on more action bars. You can also go into your keybindins and add keys for the slots on those bars. (Don't get confused, the place to keybind the extra bars is in a different section than the place where you set up bindings for the main bar. Look for "Bottom Right Action Bar, Bottom Left Action Bar, Right Action Bar 1 and Right Action Bar 2" in the keybindings.)
The above is a pretty simplified look, but it will work just fine for questing, and get you used to working with runes and runic power.
Finally a good response. Thanks!
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