Saturday, April 21, 2012

Epic Rogue Tanking moment.

Last night I did my first CATA Heroic, we did a random with three guild and two pickups from our server and ended up in Deadmines. Healer leaves and our guild replacement was already locked, so we dropped group and rerolled another instance and landed in Grim Batol.

During one of the encounters, I forget which as I was already half asleep, the tank dies and the healer also dies. We already had the boss down to around 60k HP and it was myself and two Locks still up. In a moment of brilliance, I popped every single cooldown I had, and even used every Enginering trick I had and managed to tank the boss and bring it down. The other lock died and it was me and one of the officers in our guild who was playing another Lock left alive.

He starts yelling over Vent calling me a brilliant rogue. "Way to go Mr. Epic Rogue Tank!"

He even paid my repair bills for the night and gave me some extra gold for the rest of the nights repairs.|||Quote:

Last night I did my first CATA Heroic, we did a random with three guild and two pickups from our server and ended up in Deadmines. Healer leaves and our guild replacement was already locked, so we dropped group and rerolled another instance and landed in Grim Batol.

During one of the encounters, I forget which as I was already half asleep, the tank dies and the healer also dies. We already had the boss down to around 60k HP and it was myself and two Locks still up. In a moment of brilliance, I popped every single cooldown I had, and even used every Enginering trick I had and managed to tank the boss and bring it down. The other lock died and it was me and one of the officers in our guild who was playing another Lock left alive.

He starts yelling over Vent calling me a brilliant rogue. "Way to go Mr. Epic Rogue Tank!"

He even paid my repair bills for the night and gave me some extra gold for the rest of the nights repairs.

As a fellow rogue, I support this messege!|||Wow, using evasion for the approximatly 3 seconds that it takes to beat down 60k hp.

Sorry to be so blunt, but are you new at this ?|||Quote:

Wow, using evasion for the approximatly 3 seconds that it takes to beat down 60k hp.

Sorry to be so blunt, but are you new at this ?

Sour much? Way to ruin someone's proud moment, Twoflower.

"Oh noes, he wasted Evasion!" Three minutes cooldown are over before you know it, that for a skill to survive against a boss that can kill you in one to three hits. You don't know whether they could down the boss in 3 secs. Sheesh, let the guy have his moment.|||I didnt say he wasted evasion ^^ He used it to good effect ! The boss was dead, after all.

I just dont think it is as special as to call it "epic" :) Many times have bosses been kept busy by fear ping pong or kiting or palas tanking in bubble for 10 sec or mages popping mirror images or pets from hunters or warlocks or army of undeath from DK's or rogues evasion tanking or druids switching to bear or one of the many other possibilities. Since it is a cata heroic and 3 DD's were still alive, I expect a group damage output of at least 20k dps and hence a relatively short rest of the fight.

It was a show of good situational awareness, and good use of evasion, but I think making Gorny "mister epic tank rogue" for that is a bit overdoing it. The guy who tanked all of the black temple in burning crusade, now that was a epic tank rogue ^^|||It was epic because the boss was hitting like a truck and would have steamrolled all three of us. It was one of those moments where you don't know if you're going to kill it before it kills you.|||I think it sounds like it was fun and it also sounds like an exciting moment. Way back when, rogues use to be able to evasion tank effectively to switch tanks of have a mail wearer step in or some such. However now, most rogues just get squashed when they try to evasion tank.|||Oh, and Snow it's not the beating down 60k in 3 or 6 seconds that's important, it was doing it without getting hit. One hit and I would have been facerolled.

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