I was in Azshara and misclicked a goblin and it sent me all the way around on the rocket ship tram thingy. Next thing ...BAM.....achievement for riding the rails or some such.
Which let me to wonder what other achievements have you come across that are surprisingly super easy?|||An obvious one is "Can I keep him?", since with every new char I get 2 companions automatically (Pug and Penguin).|||"Represent" = Equip a tabard|||shave and a haircut|||reach lvl 10 :-)|||Not precisely easy since you have to be raiding at lvl 85 but you can accidentally get Going Down in Throne of the Four Winds. We found out when we started our attempts on Al'Akir that the windstreams used to get to his platform give this achievement to anyone who didn't have it already.
Of course, it's also very easy for anyone with an immunity effect. Fly to a high spot, dismount, bubble/iceblock/get a friendly paladin with fast reflexes to bubble you as you're about to hit the ground and enjoy your 10 new ach points.|||there's a whirlpool in darkshore that will also give you Going Down|||Make love, not Warcraft. If your on a pvp server, at some point in time you will kill someone (even if you suck like me). All you gotta do is /hug the body asap.
Edit: When i got the "going down" achievement, i landed in lava and then died. Was a little confused for a second.|||Easiest one is the "WoW is X years old" achievements.
Just log in during the two weeks it lasts and there you go. Don't even have to move once you're in the game, nor click anything.|||Going down. I did it on a level 10 pally. I just hopped of a mountain for some copper and got it. I didn't lose much health, either.
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