Saturday, April 14, 2012

AH question

[:1]I have Auctioneer and that's great for commodities like ores and herbs, but when I pick up items like armor or weapons a lot of them are one of a kind and I don't know what price to set. There usually isn't another identical item listed to compare with. I have to look up similar items and try to compare armor, stats and disenchant and that seems to be rather tedious--is there any way to set a ballpark price that's more like a rule of thumb?|||Not really. Comparing items of the same level and class (mail, cloth, ...) is usually enough and that does not take so much time. These items are ridiculously overpriced nowadays, though. Also, take into account that mail stuff "of the boar" (spirit, strength) or crap like that doesn't sell. You can ask more for level 40 mail "of the monkey", or level 40 plate gear.

Actually, there is just one rule of thumb which I use: what would you pay for it if you were buying it?

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