Thursday, April 19, 2012

This could be fun. Tell me what you guys think.

Perhaps it's dangerous to admit this, but I did not join WoW until after The Burning Crusade was old news, and by the time I hit 70 Wrath of the Lich King was well on its way. In spite of its learning curve, I enjoyed the game and even got pretty good at it. Although it didn't stop me from enjoying the game, I always felt cheated; I never experienced the rich content of lore or the advancement of the story through the first years. It was always too much work to keep up with new content. I recently canceled my subscription after leveling two toons to 85 in Cataclysm. It was fun, but at this point the game just demands too much, and without a full understanding of the lore, it's hard to remember why I'm playing. The point: I want to play World of Warcraft from the beginning. Why not have a battlegroup or two for just such a purpose? Start with the old 1-60 trees, the old dungeons, the memorable events that many of us have only read about (such as the opening of An'Qiraj). Add the patches and expansions for these servers as time goes on. I know I am not alone in this, there are many who either miss Classic or want to experience it for the first time. If Blizzard would do this, many of WoW's prodigal sons (myself included) would come back. What do you guys think?|||While I agree that it would be fun to experience that old content again, people have to realize that this is a continuous game. The story has moved on, there is absolutely no viable reason to roll it back, not even on separate servers.

This has been asked several times already on the official forums, and Blizzard's answer remains no. It will be like admitting their current storyline is not good.

What you can do, is form a separate guild on your server to turn off experience gains at level 60 and do vanilla raids and get vanilla gear. Your realm forums are a good way to get a guild like that together, or probably there is already one on your server. But from experience, I know that these guilds die out pretty quickly when people get lured in by the vastly superior gear the expansions bring.|||Many may indeed come back, it's true. Many still playing would also roll a character or two on these realms - but 6 months down the line they'd be ghost towns. Considering how much more convenient levelling is nowadays, how much more streamlined, folks won't hang around much.

What patch do you want?

Remember, no Paladins for the Horde / no Shaman for the Alliance.

Druids, Priests, Shaman and Paladins are only wanted for healing / buffing.

Warriors are the only real tanks.

Areas of levelling when it's far more effecient (time-wise) to grind on mobs in one area rather than quest.

No mounts until 40 (epic at 60).

Only faction discounts at Honored (no reason to go further than that unless you wanted mounts). No spillover rep. Far less rep per quest.

Far less variation in quest types (no vehicle quests for instance).

Player created gear was awful at low levels. No only that, but many drops and quest rewards were badly itemised - spirit on strength plate gear anyone?

Druid and Paladin DPS was extremely low.

Vanilla was fun, don't get me wrong, but the game is far more developed and advanced now.|||Same here! When the first expansion came out I had a very hard time getting to level 7 as my human. I quit. Then, when Burning Crusade came out, I tried again, had a little fun, then quit. When the Wraith of Lich King came out, I got to level 10 and had more fun then ever. Now that Cataclysm is here, I never quit, even though the limitations are quite crappy...

The gold bots always find a way around, always.

This is the final warning, in company with a 3 days temp ban. Do NOT add signatures to your posts. Yours truely, Twoflower

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