Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why I've cancelled my subscription

[:1]I've been playing WOW for over 2 years, but in that time I've been frustrated by ill thought out patches 4, or 5, times. The game downloaded another huge file, then was unplayable for a week, until the next patch corrected the problem.

Each time the support person told me to delete WTF, Add-ons, cache... You know the usual things they tell you will fix the problem, but never do. They then blame my Internet Security program, which a) hasn't changed since before the patch and b) would tell me if it blocked WOW. Finally they say it isn't their policy to give refunds, even though they know they caused the problems.

Patch 4.2 is the same, I've spent more hours wrestling with Blizzard than playing the game. The only time I've played is when I investigated whether they'd fixed the problem.

Today is 7th August 2011, the patch installed on 22nd June, so I haven't been able to play for all that time, but Blizzard say screw me; they have my money and they are keeping it. That is immoral at least and probably illegal, but they get away with it because I'm a pensioner and can't afford to sue them.

That is why I urge you all to vote with your wallets, when Blizzard start telling you your computer is the reason you can't play. It's a lie, their developers obviously have the post powerful computers money can buy and don't give a **** that their customers don't.|||I've been playing WoW for over 6 years and never had any real problems with any of their patches. There may have been a few muddles but this was usually down to mods/addons that had yet to be updated, and therefore NOT blizzards fault. It is obviously something to do with your setup rather than their program or the 11 million other people that play would also have problems.

I have always found that Blizz support, whilst slow, usually do manage to sort things out. failing that, you cud try posting what your actual problems are on this or the official forums (if you havent already) and maybe someone in the community could help?

I wish you the best of luck with getting back to Azeroth.. or failing that, whatever you decide to do instead :D|||I have had problems with the expansion i have BC and WOTLK and i had problems with both so that has kinda put me off Cata for a while but i will buy it. Blizzards support where quite they opposite for me. They where really fast but sometime did not acctauly help in anyway but now everything fine until i get cata and it will probably screw up again.

In short every game or program has diffrent problem for diffrent set ups blizzard is no diffrent. Its just what happens|||Why do people feel the need to come here for the first time and post about why they're quitting ?!?

We don't know you - we don't care !|||Quote:

Why do people feel the need to come here for the first time and post about why they're quitting ?!?

We don't know you - we don't care !

:) I doubt I could have said it better...|||For some sort technical reason, his computer has trouble playing WoW. I guess he throws a hissy fit when people actually try to help him, refusing to believe that his computer is the problem, and rather blames the company instead.

You know, I would have somewhat more respect for this and try to help him out if he wasn't on such a high horse that he tries to urge other people to join his hate campaign... Because his computer can't run the game, others have to quit as well. Good logic, that.

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