So, I used to play Wow and like everyone else I sometimes won and sometimes lost against the raid bosses. I sat for 15 minutes through a Thaddeus encounter and I've seen my fair share of rowdy worm wipes.
A year or so after I quit playing I suddenly realized how the game was supposed to be played.
You're supposed to murder the bosses. Granted, I haven't tested these strategies but I'm sure some of them, if not all of them are accurate.
The basic premise is this - you scare the bosses and they lose abilities or they scare you and you lose abilities.
Thaddeus - pop speed potions, fly over the ramp and murder him. if you don't kill the mini bosses then he can't flip the charges.
KT - pop speed potions and zerg the room. you scare KT, he drops his mace and can no longer cast iceblock. probably deathgrippable as well. murder him in the center circle.
Loatheb - stack the entire raid in the middle and move the dog out of the way. all 4 spores will aggro to the entire raid. murder him. (drag the gauntlet into the room as well using speed potions)
Heigen the Unclean - pull the entire hall into Heigan's room. stack the raid on the stairs and kill him with instant and channelled spells. don't leave the stairs. (alternate, kite heigan to loatheb and kill both at the same time)
4 Horesman - pop speed potions and murder them on the stage. they won't run.
Instructer - pull the entire wing. stack up on top of the stairs. use the apprenticies to kill the adds while rotating one to tank the instructor.
Cat Lady - mind control the cats and murder her.
Kologarn - stack the raid under his head. pop anti magic shell and raid walls when he does the eyebeam. misdirect/tot adds to appropriate tanks. stay still and murder him.
Freya - pop speed potions, pull Freya and the entire room at once. use anti magic shells and raid walls to survive the lightning and when the explosive adds get low have one tank behind Freya and have the raid move the opposite direction. keep her in range of the flower's aoe and it will finish her off.
Trial of the Crusader -
Gormok - stack ranged and healers up and jump out of the fire in unison. in heroic mode simply ignore gormok and make sure the snobolds die if your dps is low. when the worms come out stack gormok and dreadscale on top of acid maw. M/D gormok to a ranged outside of the raid when bop's are on cooldown and the M/D back.
Worms - (provided gormok is dead) stack the entire raid up next to acid maw. murder acid maw with bloodlust and have the DS tank cure the raid's poison. if dps is low stack DS on top of acidmaw andmove him out of the way before he drops the poison then move him back.
Jarraxas - stack the entire raid on his feet. run circles around his feet with legion flames. ignore chain lightning. bop/gaurdian spirit the mistresses targets. ignore the infernals and anti magic shell / raid wall if needed.
Faction champs - stack entire raid up on top of one of the healers. M/D the rogue to a ranged who is 20 yards behind the raid while keeping chains/roots on the rogue and dk. rotate stuns and dispel magic. hunter stun the warrior when he WW. have Dk's death grip any healer that doesn't stack up. ignore the Dk unless you can be one shotted by him, otherwise M/D him to the ranged outside of the raid as well.
Twin Valks - stack entire raid up on tanks. stack the birds as well. have the healers collect orbs that could be dangerous to the raid. (which won't be many) murder the birds.
Icecrown Citadel
Icc is basically the same as Naxx. Use speed potions on nearly every boss and murder them in place.
Marrowgar - pull the last room into the room with Marrogar and murder marrogar. when he runs away in fear simply finish the adds off
Deathwhisper - pop speed potions and stack entire raid behind a column. stun rotate the bugs and use defensive cooldowns for the poison. bloodlust after shield is down.
Saurafang - when the beast time hits 5 seconds collapse the raid onto him and pop bloodlust. ignore the beasts unless your dps is low, otherwise tab stun the beasts and murder him in place.
Rotface - pull the entire plaguewing into rotface's room. shackle one abom and one giant on the way. stack on rotface and have the people with the debuff not allow a giant slime to form.
Festergut - pop speed potions and gank him. he won't make you vomit if you scare him. stack entire raid under him and murder him.
PP - DO NOT KILL THE ROACHES. if you do this PP will know you are scared of him. pop speed potions and gank the proffessor where he stands. ignore the green cloud and kite the red cloud back and forth through the raid using secondary engineering speed boost if dps is low.
Blood Queen - pop speed potions (pull the entire hall) and leap onto the BQ with entire raid stacked up. have tanks, hunters, rogues taunt her repeatedly. this will scare her and she send out the bites at an accelerated pace. as she moves into air phase have the melee follow her and pop bloodlust as the bites are given and murder her before she hits the top.
Sindragossa - pop speed potions and pull the entire platform at once. point dragon's heads at the center cirlce and murder everything. stack up under sindragossa and use engineering boots on arcane blast to save dps time.
(air phase) stack entire raid in center of circle. those who are marked with the iceblock stay stacked, everyone else moves away. aoe the iceblocks down and ignore the missles.
LK - if you murder the entire raid w/o wearing a rep ring i believe the LK will be murderable. shackle large undead and root/chains the small adds to get the curse. let them run away when stacked enough. when LK announces defile stack entire raid underneath him and move out at the last second. keep the LK standing in his own defile (possible dps bonus)
phase two - do not leave the outer ring until the last second. before it drops pop speed potions and fly off the ring as all the adds fall to their death. continue murdering the LK with ease.
Hidden Raids -
unlock the hidden raids by killing the titans. the titans used to be in OS. remember the 2 unused portals? the path of the titans is marked on dragonblight map. blizzard got tired of people not finding them so they moved them to ICC late in the expansion. note the large stairs in icc and large entrance.
i have not figured out how to summon the titans but i'm sure it's similar as follows. have the entire raid decked out in heroic gear (easy if you murder the bosses) have one raid member wear a dalaran wizard ring withthe hearthstone on it. stand at the belltower and ring the bell.
World bosses and 40 man raids in 5 man dungeons -
i wno't go into detail here because i'venever tried it but i think many 5 mans have 40 man raid bosses in them. HoL - PoS - HoS (second door) etc etc.. large green dragon in dragonblight.
Loot - when you murder the bosses they should drop the "good" gear. not the crap stuff. the loot tables reverse.
i haven't played cata but i'm sure blizzard put many secrets in it as well. try out some of these techniques and tell me the result. i'm sure some, if not all, work. i only mentioned a few bosses of each raid. EVERY BOSS in EVERY RAID is intended to be murdered.
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