[:1]Since there was a revival of the cool character names thread, i wanted to start a cool guild names thread...here are some from the recent PVPage
"It hurts when i PVP"
"At least we have stables"(obviously an alliance guild)|||There's been one a while ago, but what the heck, let's have a new go.
This one tickled me earlier today:
There's been one a while ago, but what the heck, let's have a new go.
This one tickled me earlier today:
There's an Alliance guild called that on my server!
Anyway, my favorite is Noobs with Sandwiches, my old guild which split up and is reforming in TBC. For a short while we even had a Horde counterpart called "Carebears with Pie" :D :D :D
Another one on my server which always makes me giggle: "Grand Theft Kodo"...hahaha!|||Grand Theft Kodo was very good indeed, but my favorite is still the "Raiders of the Last Orc" guild, from Shadow Moon EU (PvP server).|||i <3 baglady|||"The worst guild ever" - I still fancy this one.|||"Squirrel Mafia" -'nuff said.|||I dont know why but I allways giggle over "BY CRAYON BE PURGED" that pops up every now and then in the battlegroup I'm on|||It's just a place where I keep alts... but I liked getting the "Last Free Guild Name."|||<Ninjas With Attitude>
Thats actually the guild my friends and I made for The Burning Crusade, and I came up with the name. It was either that or <Arrested Development>
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