[:1]We regularly get requests to recruit members to participate in research for university courses or general surveys and rather than have rule forbidding them we feel a happy compromise would be to create a thread in which to post your requests. This way they don't overrun the forums but members interested in taking part know where to find the latest opportunities to get involved.
This thread is for surveys and research relevant to MMOs/RPGs or gaming in general. Do not post if you are wishing to sell something to participants. I check all surveys for any funny business
Admin, WoW.IncGamers
EDIT - I will recreate this thread when it gets too long so it never goes past one page of posts, so your post will always be on the first page.|||In an effort to keep our forums clean of mass surveys, all surveys must be posted in this thread. This thread will also be cleaned out periodically.
If the system is abused or not adhered to, we will simply not allow surveys to be posted on this site as they are viewed as spam by some community members.
EDIT by snowieken: Merged the two existing sticky threads and cleaned them out, only keeping the surveys from the last two months.|||I am a college student seeking information from the World of Warcraft community regarding its economy of virtual goods. I am attempting to explore possible relationships between virtual goods or currency and its real life counterparts. I have prepared a survey and I ask that anybody interested in participating to please take some time and answer a few questions regarding your own experiences with virtual economies.
This survey is anonymous and available to the public via hosting by Google Documents. As you can see the spreadsheets.google.com url is in fact a subdomain of google.com. Feel free to copy and paste the url directly into your address bar to ensure against redirection to keyloggers or other such malicious website.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your responses.
-Note: This post and its links displays no personal player information. All collected survey responses remain anonymous. I would also like to make clear the act of purchasing virtual Warcraft items is not allowed by Blizzard. The questions regarding the purchase of gold are hypothetical and only used as a measurement to observe and quantify the perceived values of one's time.|||Hello Everyone!
I�m looking for volunteers for a study on World of Warcraft players. I�m interested in how WOW helps people regulate stress. I value your time and am conducting a random lottery drawing and will be giving out 5 free 60-day game time cards. There will be a limit of one game card per winner. In order to be eligible, you must be 18 years or older and currently play WOW. The survey takes 20-25 minutes.
For information about the study, or to volunteer go to: www.wowstressstudy.com
Please contact me if you would like additional information about the study: wow.stress.study@gmail.com. Happy gaming!|||My name is Andrew J.Setterstrom. I am a doctoral student seeking a Ph.D. in Business Administration at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
I am asking you to participate in my research study. The purpose of my study is to explore perceptions about online video games.
Participation is voluntary. If you choose to participate in the study, it will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time. You will be asked about your feelings about World of Warcraft. In appreciation for completing the survey, you will be entered into a drawing for several $100 GameStop gift certificates. All your responses will be kept confidential within reasonable limits.
Here is the link to the survey: http://siumarketing.qualtrics.com//S...gGTZGfw0RRqPgU
Thanks, Andy|||Hi Everyone!
I am conducting a survey on stress management through WOW. This is for my dissertation in clinical psychology at the University of Detroit-Mercy.
I will be doing a random drawing for a FREE 60-day time card. There will be five winners with one card per winner.
The survey takes about 20-25 minutes to complete. For more information on the study, my background, or to participate please check out my website at: www.wowstressstudy.com
Being a player, I was frustrated by the large amount of studies focusing on addiction. I am interested in the positive & negative impact of WOW and how it relates to stress levels.|||Your opportunity to participate in a research study at Deakin University.
I am a PhD Candidate at Deakin University, Australia conducting research into finding a solution to the booming crime of 'virtual property theft' in virtual world games and environments (Second Life, WoW, Eve, Entropia etc).
I am looking for anyone who has interacted in virtual worlds or owned virtual property to volunteer. Participation in this study will involve the completion of a short anonymous survey. The survey is a bit generalized in sections, so forgive that. So far have 800 participants looking for around 1000.
The goal of this project is to understand the factors that have lead to 'virtual property theft' and hence aid in finding a solution to this billion dollar a year online crime.
If you would like to participate you can do so by following this link:
(The survey is anonymous, no questions about your login, name and the website is not trojan infected: surveymonkey is a legit survey website).|||Hi Everyone,
I am a student at Trent University and I am doing an ethnographic research on WoW for my Virtual Worlds course. My research focuses on new players on WoW specifically how quickly they adapt to the game, their experience in interacting with old/experienced players and experienced players' perspective on new players.
If you are willing to answer a few questions please e-mail me at lil_chipmonk@hotmail.com and I will to send you the questions.
Thank you in advance!!|||Interested to hear from members, particuarly UK, who have taken steps to try to direct who would have control of their WoW account on their death eg by a Will or some other action and also for details of any lawyers who may have advised. We are looking for information to add to mydigitalexecutor dot co dot uk|||Hi everyone I am new to the forums here. I am a former WoW player who has started a YouTube channel. One of my near future projects is to interview 2 or 3 women that play WoW to get their perspective. Here are the requirements if you are interested:
1. Must be female, not a male playing a female toon and be 18 years of age or older.
2. Must be a current or past WoW player.
3. Prefer if you can send a photo and a shot of your character.
4. Prefer if you have mic and webcam (although I will accept just mic).
5. Please post in thread telling a bit about yourself and if you can post your pic and character here that would be great too.
The interviews will be conducted about one month from now after I finish my "EvE 14 Day Trial Trial" PM me, reply in this thread or contact me on my blog or YouTube if you are interested. I am also on the Markee Dragon forums for those of you that are there Blackman is the forum name. Thanks in advance everyone.
The Blackman
Black Crystal Gaming
My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Blackman752001?feature=mhum
My Blog: http://blackcrystalgaming.blogspot.com/
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