Saturday, April 14, 2012

So I got a final warning notice on my account...

[:1]I went out suddenly one day and accidentally left my PC on when I was logged into wow. Anyway my bro was messing around and made a character on a RP realm named Big N-word (with the accent symbols). He didn't say anything, but since blizzard deemed it a very offensive name they decided to give me a final warning and a 72 hour ban. I got reported in the past (3 times. One warning. One three hour ban for spamming and one 72 hour ban for so called promoting racial hatred...)

So I know it said 'final warning' but will this eventually disappear from my record? I know some sites drop violations against a user over a period of time and lastly, if I get reported for something unrelated will I get a perma ban?|||no idea about the internal working of the Blizzard system, but I do think your brother needs a good slap ...|||They're pretty lenient compared to other games, so if you've got a final warning after a few incidents, I'd just be on my best behaviour and stay within the rules.

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