Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gorfiend's Truncheon goes green...

[:1]I encountered a strange bug: After having tried once the Shadowmoon quest Gorefiend's Truncheon and getting clobbered, I came back after advancing a level and found to my dismay that the 4 ghost riders were GREEN...that is, friendly, and couldn't be attacked. I frost nova'd one and he did attack me, but he stayed green and I couldn't touch him. I logged out and came back and the riders were still green. I didn't bother to report it to a Gamemaster because it's a lot of waiting around for an answer for just one quest, but I was wondering...has this happened to anyone else? All my other quests behave normally. Could it be intentional, that is, at lvl 69 the quest turns off? Never heard of that.|||It hasn't happened to me personally, but according to Wowhead comments unequipping and re-equipping the goggles fixed that for some people. If that doesn't help just put in a GM ticket.|||Quote:

It hasn't happened to me personally, but according to Wowhead comments unequipping and re-equipping the goggles fixed that for some people.

Thanx, that worked. The ghost riders were red. There were only 2, somebody had got the other 2, so, piece of cake.

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