Thursday, April 12, 2012

Transmogrification-New 4.3 feature

[:1]Its been a hot topic since it was announced, so what are you planning to do when it hits? Personally I'm looking forward to getting some old Vanilla/BC sets for my mage and maybe re-using some of my banked items like my green and red crystal sword skins.

There has been ways to do this with add-ons before, but I like that its now official and we have extra bag space for it (though a bit too costly for me, at its "preview" price, kinda like the old-dual spec price).|||Tier 2 judgement set for the win on my paladin. Ran BWL yesterday just to start collecting it.

There seems to be a bit of QQ-ing about it being unfair for PvP, that you can't really see what gear your opponent is wearing, but I don't really mind. A lot of that basically translates into "I want to see which guy I can faceroll the fastest". If you always assume your opponent is wearing full pvp gear, then you'll be fine. In random BG's, people use several kinds of disguises already anyway.

Pricetags might just be placeholders, we'll see how it turns out.

On a side note, as I'm a huge Calvin & Hobbes fan, loving the name. :D|||Yeah, I was thinking T2 Netherwind for my mage, or maybe T4. Maybe Silverthread, and some classic mail/plate for my tanks like the Golden Scale, Green Iron, and Imperial Plate "sets".

This may also mean revenge of the plate bikini.|||I think focusing on just 1 or 2 sets will leave you bored with them, so I'm planning multiple sets I can switch between when I feel like it.

The first one will be the gear I wore during ICC progression. It's not tier, but for some reason that collection of 25 HC off set tanking pieces and craftables always looked great to me.

After that I'll probably move on to good looking tier sets, complete with matching boots and belts. As a paladin tank I've always been stuck with warrior or dk boots and belts, but even less than stellar tier sets like the horrible bright red T9 look much better with a full suit, so there's lots of options.

T2 and T6 are the obvious great looking choices, but I think those will be overused so I'll wait with them for later. T11 looks surprisingly good with a full set and I never had a chance to wear all of it while it war current, so I might go for that. T8 looks great too, but I'll need to run lots of Ulduar to gather the missing pieces. T10 is decent but I might skip the skirt this time.

There's tons of good looking choices out there, so it will be fun to experiment.|||This feature is good enough that i'm thinking about reactivating my account just for it...

No more robes for this priest, pants and vest it is.|||Plate bikini...and if that fails, Paladin T 8

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