Monday, April 16, 2012

Therazane Daily

Hey hey.

I've done every quest I can find in Deepholm plus I am honored with Therazane and yet I can't get any of the daily quests at all :(

Why is that?

Hope somebody can help, it's been like this for weeks now and I can't seem to figure out how to get them >.<|||You have to FINISH is like..every single quest (except the ones in the Stonecore), rebuild the world pillar, fight in the Earthen Ring room until Therazane kills the evil Twilight Priestess and tells the Earthen Ring to bugger off and tells you that you are welcome. After that, they offer the dailies.|||On 2 chars, I had a similar problem and it was cured by the same thing. Depending on the order in which you do their quests, you may find that the quest giver on the ledge to the right of the zone (forget the name - sorry) suddenly stops giving quests.

If this is the case, way over the other side is where it carries on. To the top left of the zone, there is a NPC who gives you the quest to hit the crystal with the hammer and subdue the dragon while jumping between the stones.

After that, it carries on as expected.

hth|||I started the Deepholm quests in the wrong order last time and spent hours and hours looking for how to continue.

In the end I sent in a ticket which pointed out I'd done the second part of the world pillar before the first... I'd missed the 'book' starter quest hidden inside the crashed ship.|||yea it sucks when u do quests in the wrong order

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