Thursday, April 12, 2012

Site Changes

[:1]As you can see we have changed the site significantly yesterday. What we have done is moved 10 years worth of content into a new back-end which was no easy task :)

The new back-end makes it a lot easier to update the site and we thought we would make a few aesthetic changes while we were doing that, to not only the main site but the forums.|||Looking good, Rush! I for one really hope that these forums will become a bit more active again, the few faithful people that remain (which have my deepest thanks and sympathy) deserve it.|||I was about to suggest something along these lines :). The purple did put me off at first but it isn't too bad, though I would like multiple "skins" (perhaps class based or faction based).

There has been quite a bit of decline since Maticus left and WotLK changed to Cata (I also miss our lore-hound Medievaldragon and some other users). I too hope the forums become active once again, its my favorite unofficial forum and I usually keep it open on my browser :).|||Yeah, was glad to see you back to posting, Mistro. Where have you been, just lurking?

EDIT: On a side note, am I the only one having issues with reloading of pages? I seem to have to manually reload every forum page (meaning, with my browser's reload function) before it updates.

And this level thingy still intrigues me...|||Yeah, i'm not sure what the level thing is about, but i will probably be back on the forums a good bit. I've been lurking but since they have been pretty dead for awhile didn't see much a point in posting. Perhaps it will pick back up. Kinda reminds me of the old D2 forums after awhile though.

Did notice something though.... Pals... need a different name color... i'm the same as snow... unless he is a pal and it's overriding his mod color...|||Quote:

unless he is a pal and it's overriding his mod color...

This. At first I even lost my mod features when I became a pal, because that group overrode moderator for some reason - the rank is reinstated, but the color stayed.|||I'm also getting the refresh problem just noticed it now. It's weird because when i post it shows the post but if i come back i can't see it. Was just about to resubmit the post but it shows up in the post history in the reply screen so.. yeah.

Meh, bugs happen. Just something to right down for future reference.|||I tend to disappear from sites randomly for awhile, but I usually come back. My friends say that I'm very wind-like, drifting from place to place.

Yeah, I'm having the refresh issue as well, and there are a few broken image files here and there.

<-Lvl 11 was the level I stopped at on my DDO Cleric, so that is ironic XD.

I like the color heirarchy, Green=Mod, Blue=Admin, Purple=Pal, Orange=Normal User.|||Looks good. I'm not playing WOW anymore but pop in here every few months to see what is going on.|||The purple is really far removed from what we had before but I wanted something completely different. :) I logged into WoW again this week, was the first time in a while and it was a like a bright colour overload in Orgrimmar :)

MedievalDragon went on his way about a year ago now. He decided to pack it in and concentrate on his own site.

Maticus is now working at Blizzard :p I encouraged her to go for it an take on a role in the WoW CM team. She's enjoying herself there now.

Anyway, I am trying to kick some life back into the site so any help with news and stuff would be really appreciated. Let me know in a PM if anyone is up in helping out.

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