Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Defias Brotherhood

[:1]I have been trying to get this quest for 3 days now! I am currently playing a Trial Account Hunter level 19 twink. I looked up where to get the quest. I get it from Marshal Gryan Stoutmantle. When I went there and talked to him, he did not have any quests for me, so I thought I had to do a few quests in order to unlock the quest. I've recently completed 50 quests in the past 3 days and still nothing. I really want to do these 'The Defias Brotherhood' quests, mostly because of the Chest peice you get at the end. It would be perfect for my hunter. I'm not sure what else to do, i don't know why this quest isn't unlocked/showing for me.

This is the Chest piece i'm referring to:

If I can no longer get this, what other chest piece would you recommend for my level 19 Hunter twink? I do not plan on going higher then 19, AT ALL.

That quest and 'Rise of the Brotherhood'

Any help is appreciated!|||You may have missed the "Please note: the Tunic of Westfall is no longer available within the game due to changes made within the Cataclysm expansion." note on the page you linked to. The quest has been removed in Cata and the item is no longer obtainable.

Try going for Armor of the Fang or, if you stack on Agi in other slots, Toughened Leather Armor|||Yep, those are pretty much your only options. It is possible to eventually get heirlooms, but that requires quite a bit of honor. Good luck with your trial account twink.|||Well, that's a bummer. Time wasted. I guess i'll shoot for Toughened Leather Armor. Every piece I have is Agility and Stamina, If their is more Agility then stamina, I take the more agility. I currently have only about 780 health. I saw a 19 twink hunter with 1900 health. I can not enchant since it is a trial account unless I do it myself, i've never enchanted before to be honest (can't trade or use market). I'm still not sure what gear I should be getting. I did try for Blackened Defias but I heard you can't get the whole set anymore, or that it is just about impossible to get all the pieces.

I still need 2 trinkets, head gear, tabards, and wrist. I have yet to see good wrists for hunters drop, and no recommendations on what I should have for gear. Most of the websites I looked at for 19 hunter twinks are outdated. And I have 2 professions to choose still. (One will most likely be Leatherworking to get the new Chest piece)

I appreciate the help guys, at least I know I can't get the Tunic of Westfall anymore, I even read the page over and over again, I did not notice the warning message. I'm so used to skipping over things that say 'notes' unless they're in a difference color, bad habit I know.

And heirlooms, how much honor do you think I would need? I checked the level 19-30 PVP vendor and I could only get rings, staff, bow, and necklace. I only got the necklace. Is there another Vendor for my level?|||Probably the most up-to-date twink site is TwinkInfo. They may have some newer gear guides, but I'd suggest lurking or choosing your questions wisely because they tend to look down on Hunter twinks and they have their own "forbidden" list of items/classes people should avoid using in the brackets. I think they also have a guide for getting the most out of professions before switching to the next, etc.

Personally, I'd suggest lvl 20 twinking since there are less "grandfathered" items, such as ilvl 35 chests, etc. Though you'll be facing up to lvl 24s that might be twinked to take advantage of trial account users (a whole new twink drama =p). With blackened defias armor, I think its pretty much out of the game now, or the pieces are so rare you'd have trouble finding them. The druids of the fang armor is pretty much the same thing though.

Heirlooms can be purchased in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar, and they run 2175 honor per piece of PvP heirloom, and you have to convert honor over to justice points for the normal heirlooms (375 honor = 250 jp, so about 3263 honor I think).

I'll try and build a wowhead profile for a 19 hunter twink for you later.|||Here is a fairly balanced set for stamina/agility/crit:

There are also two different talent specs there, survival might be more attractive with the 15% stamina buff.

Scratch the Toughened Leather Armor, it requires 120 skill to make and you're limited to 100 skill on the trial accounts.

Some other items for consideration are the Lucky Fishing Hat, Nat Pagle Extreme Angling Boots (both from booty bay fishing tourney on sundays, from rare fish), and Arena Grand Master trinket (possibly x2). Those items will significantly boost your stamina. The Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat is pretty much just there to fill the slot since its about a 1% drop from fishing dalies, the Blood Elf Bandit Mask is another choice, but it has no stats on it.

You can also achieve the "Ambassador" title and free 16 slot bags by running dungeons while wearing the faction tabards. Its a bit of a status symbol though, since you can't use the mounts. There are some other tabards available for honor as well (my 20 rogue currently gets about 30-60 honor per bg, so I can usually get the gear and tabards easily).|||Wow that helps a lot! I actually have a few of the gear parts on there. I am currently using Venomstrike though, was recommended by my friend who has a 19 twink hunter. And I am using the Marksmanship tree, exactly the way you have it set up.

I'm not familiar with 'titles' and the faction tabards however. Should I wear Stormwind tabard when I go through dungeons?

If I can get Blackened Defias would that be a better solution then Fang gear? On my first run with my rogue I got Blackened Defias gloves, for my hunter I have Fang gloves.

I did look into the Arena Grand Master trinket, and i'm honestly stumped on how to get these.

I'll have to get these new pieces one at a time, right now I feel a little overwhelmed with the gear i'm going to need to get.

I do have 'Smelting Pants' but they do not have the critical strike rating increase. Should I take up enchanting?

I do have a few valor point to spend still, but I can't seem to find another vendor that has gear for my level. Most of them are for high levels and I just see all red items

Is it possible to get more then one of those 16 slot bags? And how would I go about getting those? Wear Stormwind Tabard and go run dungeons?

Also, I was in an argument with my friend, he thinks that I should choose Haste rating over critical strike rating. I told him critical strike rating is more important since i'm only going to be level 19 and critical strike is more common in items then haste. Who's right?|||Venomstrike would be a better weapon since it has the proc, forgot about that bow. The title comes from being exalted with at least 5 alliance or horde factions, for twinks about the only way to get it easily is by running dungeons while wearing the respective tabard (the tabards and 16 slot bags can be purchased from near the respective city's flight master).

If you want more stamina, Defias Gloves are better by giving you 20 more hp, which may save you by a margin. As for enchanting, the best you can hope for is basically a 1 stat increase per piece of armor (such as 1 agility to bracers, or 15 hp to your chestpiece), so if you want to be a completionist, I'd suggest picking it up after you get your armor together, and then dropping it for something better after you've used what you need.

You can only have 2 professions at a time (you can pick up two, use them for what you need, and rotate to more to make use of everything since you can't trade), and I'd end with Alchemy/Jewelcrafting and Engineering personally. Engineering provides bombs, a helmet, and scopes, Alchemy allows you to make potions and elixirs that also give you extra benefits (such as a 50% run speed potion, and some agility and hp from elixirs), and Jewelcrafting has the coarse stone statues that heal 15 hp per second for 15 seconds (225 hp) which are good in a pinch.

Getting your secondary skills of cooking and first aid up is also a good idea since you can get some 6 stamina/spirit buff food, and some minor healing from bandages. Fishing is useful for the tourney, as well as sometimes finding rumsey rum, the black label version gives 15 stamina and is listed as a food buff (won't stack with 6 stamina/spirit).

You can't use honor for much more than the Warsong Gulch vendors, aside from PvP tabards, standards, heirlooms, and the normal pvp trinket, which can be purchased in Stormwind in the Old Town district.

The Arena Grand Master trinket is earned by collecting arena master badges from the chest dropped in the Stranglethorn Vale Gurubashi arena. It is a free-for-all arena and the chest is placed every three hours and announced by Short John Mithril (so act quick). The badges themselves are 5 sta lvl 35 trinkets, and you have to collect 12 of them to get the Arena Grand Master, which doesn't require a level. Its a decently hard camp, but it provides a lot of survivabilty for the dedicated.

As for haste vs crit, it is a matter of preference. Haste will increase your attack speed, in addition to focus regeneration speed, but Criticals will help eat away at the high hp of twinks. I'd save some haste gear if you get some in quests/dungeons, but you might want to hold off on using it till you build your damage and survivability. There really isn't a way to build a bad hunter twink with all the blue gear around, unless someone wears intellect/strength/spirit gear.|||I do plan on being a perfectionist when it comes to this 19 twink. I currently have 5 or 6 pieces out of the set that was recommended. I just purchased a 16 slot bag, it says I can only get one however. I also purchased a Stormwind tabard.

I was also wondering, with Engineering is it possible to make a scope or something for Venomstrike?

When I get my full set, I will attempt enchanting even if it is just +1 in agility or stamina. Every little bit helps. I also found 'Alliance Battle Standard', worth getting? Costs 500 honor. I also found a ''Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon' for 3500 honor points. There are some good items at the vendor. I did find perfect set pieces but they require Justice points. Are they worth getting? Like 'Charmed Ancient Bone Bow' for 3500 Justice points.

I really appreciate the help! I'm going to get my set and then test out in PvP or duel (regardless of the test results I will add enchants). I'll have to find some enchants on wowhead first.|||You can craft a 1 damage scope with engineering. With enchanting you can get 1 agility or stamina to bracer, 15 health to chest, 1 resistance or 10 armor to cloak, and 2 damage to 2-h weapon. The battle standard is nice for turtles or defending your position.

Yep, those are the heirlooms. They're best in slot as they say, and the only way to accquire justice points at that level is to exchange honor for them (at a rate of 375 honor for 250 justice points, meaning you lose 1/3rd of your honor in the transaction [costing 4666 honor instead of 3500 justice points]). Personally I'd go for the bow because its silent, and resilience does very little at that level in PvP.

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