Thursday, April 12, 2012


[:1]Just wondering if someone could clarify something for me.

I've recently began uploading reports to WoL and as a healer wishing to improve, I wanted to study the info in order to improve.

When I checked my info, it told me my HPS was around 92% and that I had around 30% over healing.

Is HPS overall healing or effective healing?

ie if I cast PoH when 3 people in my group of 5 have damage, does the heals of the two full health members get wasted and contribute to the overheating figure?|||I've never tried WoL, but I will on my priest tonight.

Which priest spec are you? I'd say that 8% other healing is from victory rush/word of glory, etc. If WoL follows your combat logs, it probably takes all healing into account, and if you're Disc with atonement it'd also count the healing from Smite/Holy Fire as well. Same goes for the Power Word: Shield glyph that instantly heals for 20% of the absorption amount. There are quite a few sources of indirect healing that are around these days, so it may take some narrowing down.

Perhaps another person more versed in WoL will come along before then.|||sorry, forgot to say, I'm holy fully geared, 2pc T11 2pc T12 rest FL gear and T11 trinks etc.

the information is retrieved from combat logs but was trying to work out how it judges your active time HPS over overhealing which apparently isn't included in active time not towards a player becoming "ranked" in a fight (apparently you need to hit 100%+)

was hoping this explanation might show any weaknesses I might have.|||My priest is only lvl 42 and Disc spec, so I can't really comment on Holy or Endgame healing, but it looks to have less forms of healing other than direct healing so that'd narrow it down. I can at least check on Prayer of Healing tonight when I hit 44 and see if it counts as overhealing in WoL and maybe I can figure out their scales.

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