Saturday, April 14, 2012

Any YouTubers out there?

[:1]I just got in to WoW videos again, and I'd to see your videos! But of course, I would like you to see mine too xP

Check it out, or not.

Either way, I appreciate your time :D|||I have acctaully check me out here my vid:|||Kmcraft, nice video man, I actually was a DK tank back in WotLK, and it's nice to see that other people still do/enjoy it|||Quote:

I have acctaully check me out here my vid:

Let's keep the youtube video spam confined to one place, right... Usually, the course of action when a thread is deleted, is to not repost it. I'll leave the link alive in this one.

Maybe I should make a sticky thread for Youtube video's, but I have a feeling that would just lead to more work for me (re)moving threads.

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