Thursday, April 12, 2012

New World of Warcraft Game Announced for 2012

[:1]Blizzard Entertainment has just announced that it will be releasing an all NEW World of Warcraft game in Spring 2012.

i stumbled across this website today, and i cant help getting excitied about this, i just want to know everyones views on it, because i really dont want to get excited over nothing.|||WoW, this will be the fourth expansion? Is there any other game that has ever made this many expansions?|||Quote:

Blizzard Entertainment has just announced that it will be releasing an all NEW World of Warcraft game in Spring 2012.

i stumbled across this website today, and i cant help getting excitied about this, i just want to know everyones views on it, because i really dont want to get excited over nothing.

anyhoo 1 post wonder with a link. I'm not clicking.|||Link is harmless as far as I can tell, but if Blizzard is not officially announcing anything, I call bull droppings.|||I find this highly unlikely. Blizzard is still making money, hand over fist, on WoW. Why ruin that?|||Quote:

WoW, this will be the fourth expansion? Is there any other game that has ever made this many expansions?

Many, many games. Everquest is in the double digits for expansions IIRC.|||they r not announcing that lol , fake n gay =3

the only thing they announced about mmos is that they r developing a new gen mmo which does relate to their previous games|||Yeah, bro. I HIGHLY doubt this. lol. This is probably this biggest bull "dropping" I have ever seen. Its just some troll in my opinion making fake sites to get peoples hopes up and then see their hopes burn...|||sounds fake|||Quote:

WoW, this will be the fourth expansion? Is there any other game that has ever made this many expansions?

So I was looking for updated info on the 4th expac for WoW, and I saw this ignorant statement. I want you to know, I literally signed up for this website JUST so I could respond to your lack of knowledge in the MMO world. So, listen carefully, as I will explain some information to you.

A Long long time ago, in a place not that far away, in the time of dial up, there was a game called Ultima Online. It was the year 1997. Since then, it has released 70 publishes, and over 8 expansions. Then, a couple of years later, a game called Everquest was released, in 1999. This game became the first game to offer both 1st/3rd person viewing, has 16 races and 18 (18!!!) Expansions!!

After its 8th expansion, Omens of War, a new game by Blizzard called World of Warcraft came out. It has been out since 2004, and is going to have its 7th anniversary this September. But that makes it a youngin compared to EQ, which is 12 years old, and UO which is 14 years old in the same month. So please don't act all high and mighty, or think that WoW has done something awesome by getting to 4 expacs. The only thing I can actually say in its favor, is that they are ONLY going to be on their 4th expac in their 8th year. This is a good thing. Instead of spending tons of time coming out with Expacs to make more money, they are making sure their craft is done right.

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