Thursday, April 12, 2012

Character names in WoW

[:1]Will you give your character a roleplaying D&D style name like the ones generated in Neverwinter Nights or Everquest such as "Riva Silvercrown", or an adjective type descriptive name such as "CrazyArchMage"?|||dunno yet

im having trouble thinking of names :grrr:|||I'm the egotistical type, so I name all of my characters after myself. In Diablo II, I had Neil, Neilman, and Neil_II through Neil_VII. I'll probably just start up another line (dynasty?) for World of Warcraft. I don't think that that's too arrogant or offensive, and should make its way through their name filter (Death to any other people named 'Neil' that name their guys before me!).|||[color=orange]Definitely going to go with cool Role playing names and then add witty last names. There's nothing more annoying to me then seeing characters in game with names like "KiCkUrBuTt" or "LEETfewl" or "xXxSpiffymanxXx".[/color]


[color=orange]Such stupidity.[/color]|||I most definitely agree w/ spaker_man. Those types of names degrade the integrity of the gaming experience. In my experience, most mmorgs dont have these types of names b/c they are usually played by a more mature population of gamers (perhaps b/c of the patients required in playing them or the monthly fee charges). You are more likely to see a name like "xXxSpiffymanxXx" in a game of D2 rather than in a game of Everquest or UO. In any case, I hope to see these types of names disallowed in WoW and have characters with real names as opposed to nouns or adjectives or stupid catch phrases.|||Nope, most likely some noun i find in dictionary or some name in some of the previous games i played or movies i watched.|||The easiest and coolest names I've found that work good with MMORPG's is using mythological god's names or the names of stars/constellations.|||I tend to make my character's names one I've used in previous games. Though I might buck that trend this time, at least for my main. However, my style is usually to have a rather short name, four to six letters long. Makes it easier for people to message me, and is more memorable than 'Alixandreana'.

And names with numbers, punctuation, editor's marks, real life references/phrases and/or more than one or two capital letters are a sign of a weak mind.|||I'm going to name my self after some cool sounding word in the bible

Like Nebekanezer or Sodom

Or I might go with a hacked up Lord of the Rings name like "Mithranndurr" or something like that.|||Quote:

I tend to make my character's names one I've used in previous games. Though I might buck that trend this time, at least for my main. However, my style is usually to have a rather short name, four to six letters long. Makes it easier for people to message me, and is more memorable than 'Alixandreana'.

And names with numbers, punctuation, editor's marks, real life references/phrases and/or more than one or two capital letters are a sign of a weak mind.

thats what i'll probably end up doing. useing my old D2 char names. i did that for the lineage2 beta. probably do it for warcraft :)

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